- a description of your favourite vacation spot. Answer: my favourite vacation spot is Ottawa, Ontario because this is where I conduct research.
- a synopsis of the last novel that you read. Answer: I recently read “The Whistler” – by John Grisham. A whistleblower attempts to influence the FBI to investigate a fraudulent Judge.
- your answers to the following questions in 2-3 sentences:
- What is the most important characteristic of high quality online learning environments and why it is important? Answer: Allowing students to explore, integrate learning, with a triggering event, followed by resolution.
- What is one thing that you have learned about teaching online (or face-to-face if you haven’t taught online) in the last year and how has it impacted your practice? Answer: I have learned that it is important to integrate three factors into the Community of Inquiry: Social Presence, Cognitive Presence, and Teaching Presence.
- What questions do you have about online teaching and learning? Answer: This course is very interesting however, I’m wondering whether this course could be offered in Moodle, a platform that most faculty at TRU are used to working in? I enjoy reading the theoretical discussions in the videos and articles. Given we are not using this platform for our course, and the course is offered in Moodle, would it be more appropriate to complete these courses in Moodle?
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